
KD Panels 45°-bit Routing Procedure

The use of KD Panels can help you enhance and improve the quality of your interior space. Using a 45-degree bit routing procedure on vertical and large surfaces, helps create a solid block appearance while fixing the edges. When applying KD Panels for large areas, use an electric router and cut the back of the panels 45 degrees with a 45-degree chamfer bit. Then, join and glue both pieces together. Once joined together, sand the edge and apply edge paint to protect the edge from moisture or dust. When the width of the edge is less than 6cm. We recommend using a prefinished paperbacked veneer to cover the edges. Trim the excess of the paperbacked veneer with an edge trimming knife, continue to sand the edge and apply edge paint to protect edge from moisture or dust. Finish the edging procedures according to the "Edge Paint application method". ►Learn more at https://youtu.be/HxbvsrR1CUw