Into the Woods

Into the Woods


Advantages of Prefinished Veneered Panels

Advantages of Prefinished Veneered Panels(Image)

Panels 8 Advantages

Health Protection

According to WHO, formaldehyde is considered as top carcinogen and can be found in every kind of building materials. In order to provide a healthy and non-toxic living environment, KD has developed high molecular deconstruction techniques, sharply reducing the formaldehyde emission. The plywood we used for all products is of F1 grade (superior to E1 in EU standard) which meets national Taiwan standard CNS8058 as well. 。


Workers doing finishing work can breathe in toxic fumes from paints and proprietors are at a risk of being exposed to the toxic substances that remain on-site. KD prefinished wood veneered panels are sanded, stained (when applicable), and finished using advanced finishing methods in a controlled environment and thus, can be installed without the exposure of toxic vapors or finishing odors.

Flame Retardant

Conventional lacquer contains highly flammable solvents. Unlike the conventional lacquer, KD prefinished wood veneered panels are manufactured with special KD coating technology that giving them the flame retardant property.

3D Grain Of Woods

If the surface veneer is not thick enough, it is easy to break, sand through the veneer and also end up with an uneven color on the surface. KD Panels has applied strict quality control standards to ensure that thickness should reach a minimum of 0.60 mm. This ensures the best results when wire-brushing and coating to expose the beauty and texture of the wood grain.。

Time Saving

There is a significant amount of time saved in project completion as there is no on-site finishing required. Workers only need to paint the edge line with our KD edging set, eliminating unnecessary material and labor costs.

Zero Contamination

With KD prefinished wood veneered panels, sanding dust, staining, and unpleasant finish fumes can be avoided.


The water-based primary coating is applied to our KD prefinished wood veneered panels to achieve the best adhesion between the coating and the veneer. This coating is able to protect the veneer from water and dampness, providing twice the durability of the panels produced using conventional painting and finishing procedures.。

Preventing Controversy

Some of the veneer defects on the unfinished wood veneered panels are difficult to detect before coating (i.e. delamination between backing and veneer, glue residue remaining on the surface, prominent color variation after finishing process). KD wood veneered panels are prefinished and thus, these defects can be seen before installation process, avoiding unnecessary controversy.

The Leading Brand of Healthy and Eco-Friendly Materials
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